December 30, 1922: To Baha’is of San Francisco

The Beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in San Francisco, Calif. U.S.A.

Beloved Friends:

The various tidings that have directly and indirectly reached the Holy Land regarding the combined efforts which the friends of the Western States have recently exerted for the promotion of the Cause in those regions, and in which the friends in that city have shared in no small degree, have filled our hearts with a joy that no words can express.

It is indeed gratifying to learn how your flourishing city, so rich and splendid in its material gifts, so similar in its atmosphere and peaceful surroundings to the Holy Land, and potentially endowed with such spiritual capacity, is now taking a leading part in lending a fresh impetus to the onward march of the Movement in regions which, though distant and remote, are yet so near and dear to the Master's heart.

May your patient efforts be crowned with signal success and may the Light of this Divine Revelation so illumine your city as to justify the high hopes which our Beloved had confidently reposed in every one of you.

We all remember you very tenderly during our visits to the Three Holy Shrines and beseech every time with renewed ardour the blessings of the Almighty upon your labours.
Your friend and co worker,

(signed) Shoghi.
December 30, 1922
(Star of the West, Vol. 14, April 1923)