Dearest Friends:
I welcome gladly and heartily this first opportunity of expressing to you in writing what I have always felt in the depths of my heart of my confident hopes for your whole-hearted assistance in the great task that is before me.
I know too well of the spirit of ardent devotion and steadfast love that animates you in your labors for the Cause, and it is primarily upon this that I confidently rely in facing the great responsibilities of the future.
The world is sadly stricken and in a state of continuous turmoil and sigma of weariness and despondency are apparent everywhere. But we, fired with the hope of the Abba Kingdom and ever mindful of the unfailing promises of the dawn of a new and better day, must weather every storm and endeavor to impart to every earnest seeker that firm faith and inner peace which the world cannot give.
It is our vital and most urgent duty to assure at whatever cost the safety and the unity of the Cause of God, and with harmony and concord firmly established amongst us, to arise with confidence and courage for the enlightenment of the world and the salvation of mankind.
With my best wishes and earnest prayers for your success in these noble endeavors,
I am your brother and co worker,
circa March, 1923
(Shoghi Effendi, Star of the West, Vol. 14, April, 1923)